
Happy New Year!

Steve is four months out from one of the most major events in his life.  I am happy to say that he continues to make great advances in his recovery.  When Steve arrived home, he was mostly relegated to a wheelchair and spent most of his days in that chair, a lounge chair, or bed.  Several people helped turn the barn into a mini physical therapy gym where Steve could get PT from friends who had a PT background and other volunteers.  Early PT sessions consisted of harnessing Steve in an old smokejumper spotter harness that was attached to a cable and pulley system to give him some safety in case of a fall during his early walking sessions.  Within days, Steves strength, ability, and stamina improved to a level that left the harness system unnecessary as he started using a stand up walker that he could rest his forearms on and walk with assistance.  That walker only lasted about a week and he was on to a standard walker.  Again, Steve quickly mastered the walker and moved past that within a short period.  He has been walking with no walker, but the assistance of helper, for a couple of weeks now.  Most all of this happens during PT sessions in the barn with the expert help of Judy Thorne who has been heading up Steve's "barn rehab".  Early last week Steve started his out patient rehab at the Elks Rehab hospital in Boise which will help him regain some of the physical attributes.  While his strength and stamina have been making steady strides, Steve still has some difficulty with his eyes, stability, and swallowing.  These issues will continue to be the focus of rehab at the Elks.  

After returning home, Mary Ann needed help with Steve's care as she needed to return to work and the task of 24/7 care can be overwhelming.  She was able to hire a small bit of professional care to help, but the preponderance of care has been given by friends.  While Steve has gotten better with transfers from his wheelchair to bed, lounge chair, etc., he still needs assistance as his stability leaves him at risk for fall.  I know that Steve, Mary Ann, and Caroline appreciate all the help they have been getting from companions, meal train volunteers, PT helpers, and just the general assistance that has been there at critical junctures in Steve's recovery.  

As most of you who are reading this know, Steve is a people person and still really likes getting visits from friends and family. While the next couple of months are getting busy with his rehab schedule, a red light green light system has been established at the house for visitation.  If the green light is illuminated, he is up and ready for stories and socializing.  Red light means he is either sleeping, not home, or not up for visitors.  The light is on the front porch and you can see it from the gate. See December 18 update for images of the red light/green light system.

We will try to get an update out every few weeks as I know many people are curious and concerned about his well being.  

Todd Jinkins

